Brian J. Dinsmore Landscaping - offering landscaping and masonry services in Billerica Massachusetts and the surrounding area.
Brian J. Dinsmore Landscaping - offering landscaping and masonry services in Billerica Massachusetts and the surrounding area.
Brian J. Dinsmore Landscaping - offering landscaping and masonry services in Billerica Massachusetts and the surrounding area.

Q: Should you leave the grass clippings or pick them up after mowing?

A: Yes and no. Typically you should leave the clippings every 3rd or 4th mowing only if you are cutting less than 1 /3rd approx. 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch so the lawn will have to be mowed

Brian J. Dinsmore Landscaping - offering landscaping and masonry services in Billerica Massachusetts and the surrounding area.
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in about 4 to 5 days at that 3rd or 4th mowing. The clippings are loaded with nitrogen and will break down over time and add to your topsoil. During heavy grass growth spring and fall the clippings need to be bagged.

Q. Should I put down bark mulch every season
A: Yes you should install a layer of mulch every year the rule of thumb there is 2 inches or so to the beds in the spring so that 2 inch layer will break down by the next season. Also when the beds are raked and freshened up some is always removed.
When a new bed is installed we install 3 to 4 inches of new mulch this will breakdown going into the following season to approx. 2 inches as the the following seasons go you will have a nice layer broken down mulch that mixes with the existing soil and roots that will retain moisture.

Q. How much water should I be giving the lawn
A. Walk on your lawn if you see your foot prints not springing right back up its time to water. Depending on your soil make up sandy to clay types is how much you need to water. Sandy soils need constant monitoring as clay soils need less.

If you have an irrigation system set it for every other day for 15 min for spray zones and for the rotor heads in the lawn and large areas 40 minutes you should have a rain sensor set up to shut off the system when there's adequate rain fall.


Brian J. Dinsmore Landscaping Contractors, Inc., Billerica, MA
Phone: 978.671.9576 Fax: 978.671.9516